Grove features Alfie Clifton (vocals), Dan Hood (bass), Alfie Bradshaw (drums), Isaac Norcliffe (guitar) and Lukey Harris (who recently left). The band from Stamford almost sold out the Met Lounge for this gig and as soon as they started playing it was clear why.
The band combines rock and indie to create a sound that their audience loved, while delving into other genres and styles, making them appeal to a wide range of audiences. This worked so well for a venue like the Met Lounge, which is a hub in Peterborough for local music, drawing in a wide variety of people.
A favourite of the night being a cover of Machine Gun Kelly and Halsey's’ ‘forget me too’. Other covers included ‘Why do you only call me when you’re high, and ‘Sweater Weather’. As well as performing originals, such as ‘Cigarette Sunburn’ and ‘Shine’. With all their songs, their combined stage presence and engagement with the audience was impressive, especially considering that this gig was only the band's 5th ever live performance.
Bands like Grove encourage you to explore your local music scene and listen to and support smaller artists. Tickets for the evening were only £6, which is nothing for the experience you get in return- plus with a smaller crowd it is so much easier to enjoy the music, making for a great night out with friends.
For those who couldn’t make the gig, you can hear more of Groves music here:
This was written to be assessed as part of my Journalism course. This was in Semester 2 of Level 6 and was for the Undergraduate Major Project, where I created a (primarily) music magazine, aimed at Gen Z. Below is the page design for this article.

The gig was last year, although due to unforeseen circumstances during my UMP I was not able to attend any gigs throughout this project.